Thursday, September 30, 2010

nike shoes!!

I have been trying to design new nike running shoes. And as I was proceeding with the process of trying different colors in different areas of the shoe, I felt like an artist. It was really fun to be able to make some insane designs and to be able to make the shoe how I wanted! In the end, I made then purple, black and white. They look really good and I cannot wait for them to be shipped to me!

Thursday, September 23, 2010


In today's class discussion about Barthes Camera Lucida, I really liked his point in the beginning on the second paragraph on the 6th part. "I see photographs everywhere, like everyone else, nowadays; they come from the world to me, without my asking; they are only "images." their mode of appearance is heterogeneous.
I think he is trying to point out that each image is not the same; however, they are still just images and not the real thing.
"I felt a kind of aversion toward then, even of irritation: there are moments when I detest Photographs"
Here, he his find himself not liking how photographs are not the real thing.

What do you guys feel about photographs?

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I love Marilyn Monroe!

So, I'm officially writing my paper on an Andy Warhol Marilyn Monroe. And after researching her for the past days, I have become so inspired by her. She did not have anything handed to her; she worked hard for everything that she became. Andy Warhol's print of her is beautiful!  I cannot wait for this paper to conclude itself so I can reflect more on her life and Andy's interpretation!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

andy warhol

I began writing my first essay for this class and ! couldn't get enough inspiration. So, last minute I have decided to write my paper on a Andy Warhol painting. These are famous and everyone around the world recognizes them. His most famous is Marilyn. I love the history and design of his work!!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Well, I'm not sure if anyone else is having this problem, but I can not figure out how to start my paper!
Any suggestions?
I want to make it a paper possibly on the the road less traveled and then obviously describing the art itself.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


"We are looking at a picture in which the painter is in turn looking out at us."(Michel Foucault)

What is a typical mirror to you?

After reading Las Meninas by Michel Foucault, I understand the meaning of the triangle of art more clearly. There are so many great quotes in this paper that I am going to post my favorites!!
  • "the canvas has its back turned to that spectator"
  • "the painter is turning his eyes towards us only in so far as we happen to occupy the same position as his subject"
  • "Because we can see only that reverse side, we do not know who we are, or what we are doing. Seen or seeing? The painter is observing a place which, from moment to moment, never ceases to change its constant, its form, its face, its identity."
  • "We are observing ourselves being observed by the painter, and we made visible to his eyes by the same light that enables us to see him."
  • This one is more of an interesting quote. "In Dutch painting it was traditional for mirrors to play a duplicating role: they repeated the original contents of the picture, only inside an unreal, modified, contracted, concave space."
  • "We must therefore pretend not to know who is to be reflected in the depths of the mirror, and interrogate that reflection in  its own terms."

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Triangle of Art.

ARTIST                                        AUDIENCE

After class today, I kept thinking about the relationship between the artist/writer, reader/viewer, and art. This topic has come up now a few times in class and I think I am beginning to see the significance in it. First of all, an artist has to make the art. But for this to be art, someone has to see it; this is the viewer. However, if the viewer knows something about the artists, it can change the viewer’s perspective of the particular piece of art. The triangle can flow the opposite direction as well. The viewer has to be able to see the art for them to appreciate it as art. Also, the artist is possibly influenced by his/her viewer to make the piece of art.

Can there be a missing part in this triangle for the cycle to still flow?

Sometimes there is no artist, but something is still art and people still consider it as art. Nature is a perfect example of this.

There also doesn’t necessarily have to be an audience. Sometimes just the artist considers the artwork art, and nobody else in the world ever sees the art. Emily Dickenson’s poems were like this until they were discovered after she died.

Also, there can be a relationship between the artist and audience without there being art. The viewer can know the background of the artist without seeing his/her art.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Defining Art

Berger and Sontag are constantly defining their version of art. “Art is dubious.” “Art is always figurative.” “Works of art are reproducible, they can, theoretically, be used by anybody.”
Why do they need to be defining art?
Art is always going to be debatable, and I don’t see the constant need to be trying to define on paper, “What is art?” There is no need. Art is just plain and simply art to whoever thinks it is.
I have actually heard only one definition of art in my life that I do agree with.  “Anything that people discuss or argue over if something is art, then that something is art.” The definition is saying that anything that a person wants to be art is art.
A bridge can be art to an engineer. The David can be art to a sculptor.  Sisterhood can be art to a family. A play in a basketball game can be art to a basketball fan. Art is everything and everywhere.