Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Triangle of Art.

ARTIST                                        AUDIENCE

After class today, I kept thinking about the relationship between the artist/writer, reader/viewer, and art. This topic has come up now a few times in class and I think I am beginning to see the significance in it. First of all, an artist has to make the art. But for this to be art, someone has to see it; this is the viewer. However, if the viewer knows something about the artists, it can change the viewer’s perspective of the particular piece of art. The triangle can flow the opposite direction as well. The viewer has to be able to see the art for them to appreciate it as art. Also, the artist is possibly influenced by his/her viewer to make the piece of art.

Can there be a missing part in this triangle for the cycle to still flow?

Sometimes there is no artist, but something is still art and people still consider it as art. Nature is a perfect example of this.

There also doesn’t necessarily have to be an audience. Sometimes just the artist considers the artwork art, and nobody else in the world ever sees the art. Emily Dickenson’s poems were like this until they were discovered after she died.

Also, there can be a relationship between the artist and audience without there being art. The viewer can know the background of the artist without seeing his/her art.

1 comment:

  1. I was interested how you believe that there can be an art work without an artist that created it. I was also interested in how you believe that nature itself is an art because to me nature is more like a tool to create art but not an art.-Hyun Ki Lee
