Thursday, September 23, 2010


In today's class discussion about Barthes Camera Lucida, I really liked his point in the beginning on the second paragraph on the 6th part. "I see photographs everywhere, like everyone else, nowadays; they come from the world to me, without my asking; they are only "images." their mode of appearance is heterogeneous.
I think he is trying to point out that each image is not the same; however, they are still just images and not the real thing.
"I felt a kind of aversion toward then, even of irritation: there are moments when I detest Photographs"
Here, he his find himself not liking how photographs are not the real thing.

What do you guys feel about photographs?

1 comment:

  1. I actually had hard time understanding this passage especially the authors stand on photography because half the time I thought he hate photography but the other half the time he seemed to love photography.

    I love photographs with nature picture because I feel peace from those photographs.
